Sunday, January 15, 2012

The making of things

To start. I have had bad seborrheic dermatitis for EVER. On my head, around my nose and mouth, and behind my ears. I've tried prescription crap, tar hair shampoo, oils, scalp treatments, and detoxing (witch worked...untill I actually started to eat food again). I decided to try the no washing method. I knew my hair would be oily as it was already super oily even if it was only washed a few hours previously.

I'm only a little over 2 weeks into it and so far so good. The first week was great, hair wonderful not too itchy. Second week was gross, my hair never seemed to dry, probably because i took a shower and just put it up for work. I should mention I haven't been completely without cleansing. Like alot of people I've been mixing baking soda with warm water for a mild cleanser and apple cider vinegar for a rinse. I've read that ACV helps balance the Ph of the hair...but who really knows.. :D

In my personal mixtures the cleaner is just maybe a Tbs of BS with 8oz of water...I dont actually measure folks! The rinse is 8oz of water with a cap and half full of ACV mixed with 3 drop of tree tea oil. This weeks mix I went a little crazy and mixed in 4 drops of eucalyptus oil. Really just go with your preference with this if you do decided to try it out. The first week I washed everyday with it, the next week I used about every other day or less.

Me head still itches when it gets wet... weird, yes. But no crusty SB mess.

For my face its been strictly homemade rosewater.Picked some roses out front and used THIS video. I used to used generic brand oil free acne wash with 2% salicylic acid everyday to control flare ups. Since the rosewater I've been flare up free and almost acne free. Just these two little bumps THOUGHT about coming up...but didn't.

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